This Day God Gives me

From “My Faithful Lord

November is the month of Thanksgiving in my home country, the United States.  One of the great things for which we can thank God is the freedom there to worship Him in spirit and in truth  The Founding Fathers planned this from the beginning. This freedom spread to many other nations as they wrote constitutions. I am grateful that today, in Hungary, my country of ministry and my home for nearly 24 years, there is also religious freedom. My family had the great joy of serving the Lord as church planters there, with plenty of freedom to share the gospel. This privilege came with great sacrifice in both places.

This prayer-song was written by a man who was known for his extraordinary prayer life, St. Patrick, the missionary evangelist of Ireland.  He wrote this prayer to thank God for His many provisions in life, and for the ability to have a personal relationship with Him.  God provided salvation through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I love verse two, which gives the idea of walking through life with God at my side as He gives wisdom and strength for each day, and then listens and talks with me. This communion with God takes place as one prays and He, in return, communicates through the Word of God.

How grateful I am to the Lord that I can fellowship with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.  How unworthy I am.  This month, I challenge you to thank the Lord each day for one or more provisions in your life, and for His great love for you. Share with others what,“This Day God Gives Me”, to glorify His name. 


The Lyrics


1. This day God gives me

Strength of high heaven,

Sun and moon shining,

Flame in my hearth,

Flashing of lightning,

Wind in its swiftness,

Deeps of the ocean,

Firmness of earth.  


2. This day God sends me

Strength as my steersman,

Might to uphold me,

Wisdom as guide,

Your eyes are watchful,

Your ears are list’ning,

Your lips are speaking,

Friend at my side.  


3. God’s way is my way,

God’s shield is round me,

God’s host defends me,

Saving from ill.

Angels of heaven,

Drive from me always

All that would harm me,

Stand by me still.


4. Rising, I thank you

Mighty and strong One,

King of creation,

Giver of rest,

Firmly confessing

Threeness of Persons,

Oneness of Godhead,

Trinity blest.  

About the song This prayer-song was written by the Scottish missionary, St. Patrick, who served in Ireland (372-466 AD).  It is contained in the beautiful Gaelic hymn melody “Bunessan”, composed in the Scottish Highlands. The lovely hymn, “Morning Has Broken” is also set to this melody.

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